- 2022-present, Editorial board of European Review of Social Psychology
- 2020-present, Editorial board of Current Directions in Psychological Science
- 2017-presen,t Editor (with Jolanda Jetten) of Social Issues and Policy Review
- 2017 Guest editor, European Journal of Social Psychology
- 2011-present, Editorial Committee, Annual Review of Psychology
- 2011, Guest editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- 2010, Guest editor (with Manuela Barreto), Journal of Social Issues
- 2009-2012, Consulting Editor, European Journal of Social Psychology
- 2008-2012, Consulting Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- 2005, Guest editor, special issue Netherlands Journal of Psychology
- 2003-present, Consulting Editor, European Review of Social Psychology
- 2002-2005, Consulting Editor, European Journal of Social Psychology
- 2002-2004, Associate Editor, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- 1999-present, Consulting Editor, Gedrag & Organisatie
- 1999-2004, Consulting Editor, British Journal of Social Psychology
- 1999-2004, Consulting Editor, Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology
- 1999-2004/2012-2014, Consulting Editor, Social Psychology Quarterly
- 1998-2002, Consulting Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- 1994-1998, Associate Editor, British Journal of Social Psychology
- 1992-1996, Editor, Dutch Journal of Psychology
- 1991-1994, Member of the editorial team (1991-1993) and chief editor (1994) of the Yearbook of Social Psychology in the Netherlands
- 1987-present, Reviewer, a.o., Dutch Journal of Psychology, European Journal of Social Psychology, British Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, International Review of Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Social Psychology Quarterly, Group Dynamics, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review.