- Effective gedragsverandering voor professionals. Een project in samenwerking met Coen Jutte / De Nootenkraker
- Het moet wel werken: Inclusisviteit op de arbeidsmarkt door synergie tussen wetenschap en praktijk. Project in samenwerking met Stichting NIM en SER Diversiteit in Bedrijf .
- The role of leaders in cultivating an organisational climate for inclusion. This project is (partly) funded by the Goldschmeding Foundation.
- CCV (Centre for Crime Prevention and Safety) - Program 'Handhaving en Gedrag': Red flags in our brain? The influence of social norms on cognitive error-detection
- Social responsibility: can an astronaut's perspective on Earth affect people's treatment of nature? A project in collaboration with Artis / Het Groote Museum
- Red flag in our brain? The influence of social morms on cognitive error-detection. A project funded by CCV (Centre for Crime Prevention and Safety) - Program 'Handhaving en Gedrag'.
- The professional-pravate life distinction and its implications for employees'well-being and cooperaation with co-workers. This project is funded by SCOOP
- LGBTQI+ Inclusion in Organisations. This project is funded by SCOOP
- Behavioural influence by regulators: Stimulating compliance and ethical behaviour of financial organisations. This project is funded by the Authority for the Financial Markets
- Social perception in the workplace. A project in collaboration with Nobbe Mieras
- MVO - Maatschappelijk en Veraantwoord Ondernemen Nederland: Integrating circular and inclusive business practices
- Instituut GAK, Through a different lens: A new approach to motivate and support organisations in developing evidence-based diversity policies
- Instiuut GAK, Inclusion in the labour market through synergy between science and practice
- The psychology of sanctions. A project fynded by the Authority of Consumers & Markets (ACM)
- Compliance and ethical behaviour in organisations: knowledge, motivation and ability. This project in funded by the Authority of Consumers & Markets (ASM)
- Instituut GAK, Evidence-bades diversity policies (with Prof. dr. J. van der Toorn, 200.000 Euro)
- The threat and challenge of a changing society.
- 2018-2027: NWO Gravitation award Sustainable cooperation: Roadmaps to a resilient society' (SCOOP)
- START Foundation, Inclusiveness Monitor (with Prof. dr. J. van der Toorn, 200.000 Euro)
- Inclusion in the labour market through synergy between science and practice. In collaboration with Netherlands Inclusiveness Monitor (NIM) co-financed by Goldschmeding Foundation.
- Connecting organisation stakeholders: Corporate values and business practices.
- Gender identification and categorisation beyond the binary.
- Dissimilarity and inclusion in organisations.
- General Board of the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO) grant to examine best practices for equal opportunities at NWO (one year post-doc).
- Grants from Lorentz Center and KNAW to organize an interdisciplinary workshop on the morality of inequality.
- Correcting for bias in supervision. This project is funded by the the Authority for the Financial Markets
- Grant from the NWO Conflict and Security program (with Dr. Fieke Harinck) to examine effectiveness of early vs. late interventions in conflict involving honor concerns (one year post-doc)
- Differential success of male vs. female grant applicants (General Board, Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO), 100.000 Euro’s)
- Group processes and rule adherence (CCV: Center for prevention of criminality and safety, 50.000 Euro)
- Spinoza career award (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, 2.500.000 Euro)
- Minority hostility and resistance (With Prof. Dr. J. Jetten, Australian Research Council, 156.000 Australian Dollars, ARC Grant no. DP1094034)
- Conflict and Security fund: Representative negotiation. (PI Prof. Dr. C. de Dreu, 600.000 Euro, NWO Grant no. 432-08-002)
- Conflict and Security fund: Value conflict. (with Dr. F. Harinck, 600.000 Euro, NWO Grant no. 432-08-016)
- Communication and public opinion formation on CO2 capture and storage (with Dr. Dancker Daamen; CATO-2 Consortium, 2 million Euro’s)
- Scientific Research innovation fund: newcomers in groups (with Dr. F. Rink, 290.000 Euro, NWO Grant no. 472.04.044)
- The social acceptance of new technology for CO2 capture and sequestration (with Dr. D. Daamen, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1.2 million Euro)
- Facilitating the combination of work and family commitments (ING Financial Service Organization; 174.000 Euro)
- Effects of ethnic and gender integration vs. segregation in educational and work settings (with Dr. C. van Laar; NWO Grant No. 261.98.906)