- Morality of environmental behavior. Keynote, Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Groningen.
- UCLA Anderson Business School: invited lecture diversity and organizational development.
- Groups as moral anchors. Keynote, Kurt Lewin Institute bi-annual conference.
- Diversity and organizational development. ERCOMER, Utrecht
- Ellemers, N., De Kool, N., & Somsen, J. Fact or fiction? Effects of stereotype consistent and inconsistent information on the perceived effectiveness of male and female leaders. Conference on social identity and gender, Amsterdam, April 1994.
- Ellemers, N. Social identity and gender: The dilemma of successful women. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Paris, July 1994.
- Ellemers, N. Self-esteem and social justice; A commentary. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Paris, Juli 1994.
- Ellemers, N. The influence of socio-structural variables on identity management strategies. University of Münster, February 1993.
- Ellemers, N. Social identity and gender: The dilemma of successful women. Conference on Social Categorisation and Gender, University of Amsterdam, February 1993.
- Ellemers, N. Social identity and gender: The dilemma of successful women. General Meeting European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Lisbon, September 1993.
- Ellemers, N. Women and the psychology of tomorrow, or: Psychology and the women of tomorrow? Invited lecture, Student section Netherlands Institute of Psychology, Amsterdam, November 1993.
- Ellemers, N. Bias in intergroup relations: Balancing identification and social reality. University of Amsterdam, November 1992.
- Ellemers, N. Reactions to group deprivation and individual deprivation. Nags Head Conference on Stereotypes and Intergroup Relations, Florida, June 1991.
- Ellemers, N. Individual mobility and social change. CatholicUniversity at Louvain-La-Neuve, February 1990.
- Ellemers, N. Individual and collective strategies of identity enhancement. European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Jaspars lecture, Budapest, June 1990.
- Ellemers, N. Feelings of deprivation and identity enhancement strategies. Invited Centennial Lecture, William James Conference, Free University Amsterdam, August 1990.
- Ellemers, N. Effects of the normative context of status differences on the reaction to membership of a low status group. University of Kent at Canterbury, October 1990.
- Ellemers, N., & Van Knippenberg, A. Individual and collective strategies of identity enhancement. First European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, July 1989.