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Prof.dr. Naomi Ellemers

Distinguished university professor

Invited lectures


Social Safety


  • Keynote, Sociale veiligheid, SER Diversiteit in bedrijf, June 2024
  • Keynote, Leiderschap en Sociale veiligheid, Strategeische conferentie ter Soesterberg voor Leiden University, June 2024
  • Invited talk, Sociale veiligheid, Commissarissenontmoeting Leiderschap - PwC Netherlands, June 2024
  • Invited talk, Sociale veiligheid, Lezing voor alle medewerkers van TU/e en in de middag een programma voor CvB/directeuren/decanen, TU/e May 2024
  • Invited talk, Building an engaging work climate for all, Computer science department Utrecht University, May 2024
  • Invited talk, Sociale veiligheid, Lezing voor decanen, CvB, directeuren bestuursdienst, afdelingsvoorzitters en vice rectoren, TU Delft, April 2024
  • Invited talk, Sociale Veiligheid, Universiteit van Nederland, April 2024
  • Invited talk, Sociale Veiligheid, Ministeriev van OCW, April 2024
  • Invited talk, Sociale Veiligheid, How-do-we-do@UU-week, Utrecht University, April 2024
  • Invited talk, Sociale Veiligheid, Practice session on creating a stimulating work environment together, presented for Weckhuysen Research Group, Utrecht University, February 2024
  • Invited talk, Social safety in Dutch academia - University of Amsterdam, February 2023
  • Invited lecture, Social safety in Dutch academia - University of Nijmegen, September 2022
  • Keynote, Opening Academisch Jaar Universiteit Utrecht, September 2022
  • Invited lecture, Sociale veiligheid, KLI conference, April 2022
  • Invited lecture, Sociale Veiligheid met CvB, faculteitsbesturen en directies, University of Groningen, March 2022
  • Invited lecture, Sociale Veiligheid, Bjeenkomst voor Young Academie Groningen, November 2021
  • Invited lecture, Sociale Veiligheid, Strategiedag voor bestuurders van RUG waaronder het College van Bestuur, decanen en facultitsbesturen en directeuren van de diensten van de RUG, November 2021


Human Resources, Innovation and Commitment


  • Keynote, Gedragswetenschap voor beleid, SZW Wetenschapsdag, Februari 2023
  • Invited lecture, Gedragswetenschap voor beleid, WRR (Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid), September 2021
  • Invited lecture, Polarisatie rondom duurzaamheid, Nyenrode Business Universiteit, 2021
  • Invited lecture, Leiding geven aan eigenwijze professionals, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, October 2018
  • Invited lecture, De psychologie van gedrag op het werk, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, October 2019
  • Keynote, Groups as Moral Anchors, Congres Italian Psychological Association Bari, September 2018
  • Invited lecture, Having an impact: How researchers can make a difference in the real world, Zürich Summer School, July 2018
  • Keynote, AJN, de Jeugdaartsen Nederland - Het Imago van jeugdartsen, March 2018
  • Invited lecture, Utrecht University, Je werkt anders dan je denkt, October 2017
  • Invited lecture, ENORP Copenhagen Business School, Organizational morality and Employee commitment, July 2017
  • Leiden University Medical Center, May 2013
  • University of Exeter, January 2010.
  • Netherlands Foundation of Psychotechnics, Utrecht, February 2001

Integrity and Trust in Organizations


  • Invited lecture, De commissaris van de toekomst, welk gereedschap heb je nodig om de nieuwe uitdagingen het hoofd te kunnen bieden?, VCTE Lustrum congres May 2022
  • Invited lecture, Inzicht in het gedrag van/in organisaties, Rijksinspectie Kennisbijeenkomst Utrecht, Mach 2018
  • Keynote, Toezicht met passie, Rigionale Bijeenkomst VTW/Aedes/NVBW, February 2018
  • Keynote, Psychologie van Toezicht, VTW Congres Amersfoort June 2017
  • Keynote, Psychologie in de boardroom, PWC Commissarissenontmoeting, June 2017
  • Keynote, Psychologie van Toezicht. VIDE jaarcongres. April 2017
  • Keynote, De psychologie van toezicht: Dag van het Commmissariaat, Rotterdam, September 2015
  • Invited lecture, Social Scientific Council (Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Raad), Leusden, May 2013
  • Policy meeting, Leiden University. May, 2013
  • Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University, December 2013

Moral Values and Value Differences


  • Invited lecture, The Moral Organization, University of Kent, June 2021
  • Invited lecture, The Moral Organization, University of Toronto, April 2021
  • Keynote, The importance of identities, EFPA congres Moskou, July 2019
  • Invited lecture, The Psychology of Morality. Reviewing evidence from Socio-Psychological and Neuroscience Methods, Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna Campus Di Cesena, June 2019
  • Invited lecture, Management and moral behavior in organizations, Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna Campus Di Cesena, May 2019
  • Invited lecture, Moral Behavior in Organizations, Campus Universitario di Chieti, May 2019
  • Invited lecture, Moral Behavior in Organizations: an identity perspective, Melbourne Business School, November 2018
  • Invited lecture, Groups as moral anchors, The University of Queensland, School of Psychology, October 2018
  • Invited lecture, De Psychologie van gedragsverandering, Academie voor Wetgeving en Overheidsjuristen, May 2018
  • Keynote, Initiative on Impact, KLI symposium Zeist, April 2018
  • Keynote, Overcoming inequality in organizations and society: Building bridges between science and practice, Utrecht University, March 2018
  • Invited lecture, Moral ideals and moral realities, APS Boston 2017
  • Invited lecture, Hoe werkt het morele brein? Keynote LIBC Publieksdag, Leiden 2015
  • Invited lecture, Duurzame samenwerking, Duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk. Lezing, KNAW mini-symposium, December 2015
  • Invited lecture, Conflict and Security, Final conference, May 2014
  • Keynote, British Psychological Society – Social Psychology section Annual meeting. Exeter, August, 2013
  • Invited lecture, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, September 2013
  • Keynote, ASPO fall symposium, Tilburg, November 2013
  • Keynote, European Federation of Psychology Students Associations, Amsterdam, November 2013
  • Keynote, WAOP, Tilburg, November 2011
  • Keynote, VSNU/KNAW Student Research Conference, Leiden, October 2010
  • Invited lecture, New York University (Stern Business School), March 2010
  • Invited lecture, WRR (Scientific Council for Government Policy) Den Haag, April 2010

Diversity and Inclusion


  • Invited lecture, Met een andere bril: Instituut Gak, October 2021
  • Invited lecture, Diversity and Inclusion: Linkslater The Netherlands, June 2021
  • Fitting in and opting out: How to reap the benefits of diversity, Gender Summit Amsterdam, October 2019
  • Invited lecture, Vergroten van Diversiteit op vijf Vlaamse Universiteiten - Hoe pak je het aan?, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, August 2019
  • Invited lecture, Prejudice, Discrimination and the diversity challenge, Zürich Summer School, July 2018
  • Keynote, PWC, European Women on Boards, October 2017
  • Keynote, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Wat is effctief diversiteitsbeleid, October 2017
  • Invited lecture, Utrecht University, De meerwaarde van vrouwen aan de top wordt sterk overschat, October 2017
  • Invited talk, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Wees Vooroordelen de Baas. Overbruggen van discriminatie en Negatieve Beeldvorming op de Arbeidsmarkt, May 2017
  • Invited talk, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Masterclass on stereotyping and prejudice commissioned by the Misistry of Social Affairs and Employment during the work week Matchen op Werk, February 2017
  • Diversiteit en inclusie,  Ministry of Education, Culture ans Science, May 2016
  • Women in science. Lezing vrouwennetwerk Delft DEWIS, February 2016
  • Invited talk, Vrouwen in de wetenschap, KHMW en OCW, November 2015
  • We gaan alleen voor kwaliteit! Maar hoe doe je dat eigenlijk? Women’s network, Leiden University, January 2015
  • Keynote, ING Business School, Amsterdam, May 2010
  • Keynote ASPO conference, Groningen, December, 2005
  • KNAW Colloquium, Amsterdam, June, 2005

Implicit discrimination


  • Invited lecture, Let's talk about queen bee phenomenon, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, February 2024
  • Invited lecture, Beet the Queen Bees, AMvrouwen, Nederland, maart 2021
  • Invited lecture, Implicit bias and the development of academic careers, Graz University, September 2018
  • Invited lecture, Implicit bias and the development of academic careers, LERU Gender conference, Zurich, June 2018
  • Invited lecture, Detecting and addressing implicit bias. Summer School, University of Geneva, July 2018.
  • Invited lecture, Making implicit bias visible, TU Eindhoven June 2017
  • Invited lecture, Implicit bias in the workplace: Three interruption strategies. APS Annual Meeting, Boston May 2017.
  • Het Queen Bee Effect, Festival deBeschaving Utrecht June 2016
  • Invited lecture, De (neuro-)psychologie van in- en uitsluiting. Kenniskamer Discriminatie Ministerie van OCW, Amsterdam, September 2015.
  • Keynote NWO, Pump your career. Gender discrepancies in funding success: Origins and solutions. November 2015.
  • Invited, lecture, Opening Academic Year, Maastricht University, August 2014
  • Keynote, NIAS workshop, Wassenaar, February 2014
  • Invited lecture, Human rights council ( ‘College voor rechten van de mens’), Utrecht, March 2013
  • Keynote, Policy meeting, Leiden University, April 2011
  • Keynote, conference organized by the Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs, and sponsored by the European Union Pogramme for Employment and Social Solidarity (PROGRESS 2007-2013), June 2011
  • Science festival, Leiden. October 2011
  • Netherlands Institute of Psychology, Amsterdam,November 1993