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Prof.dr. Naomi Ellemers

Distinguished university professor


Abstracts, papers, chapters, and other documents are posted on this site as an efficient way to distribute reprints. The respective authors and publishers of these works retain all of the copyrights to this material. Anyone copying, downloading, bookmarking, or printing any of these materials agrees to comply with all of the copyright terms. Other than having an electronic or printed copy for fair personal use, none of these works may be reposted, reprinted, or redistributed without the explicit permission of the relevant copyright holders.

  • Ellemers, N. (2017). Morality and the regulation of social behavior: Groups as moral anchors. Milton Park, UK: Routledge / Taylor & Francis.
  • Zaal, M., & Ellemers, N. (2013). Overtreding vermijden of naleving bevorderen? Hoe mensen aan te zetten zijn tot regelnaleving hangt af van het gedrag van hun groepsgenoten. Den Haag: Boom/Lemma Uitgevers.
  • Ellemers, N., & De Gilder, D. (2012). Je werkt anders dan je denkt. Business Contact.