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Prof.dr. Naomi Ellemers

Distinguished university professor

Social psychologist Naomi Ellemers examines the behavior of people in organizations. Her main topics of expertise are Diversity and Inclusion, and Integrity and Ethics at work.

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"Don't appeal to people's morality, but search together for new rules of play for appropriate behaviour."

Research focusSocial safety, Diversity and Inclusion, Integrity and ethical climate, Leadership and culture change. 

Since 2015 Naomi Ellemers is Distinguised professor and a social and organizational psychologist at the Faculty of Social Sciences  Utrecht University. Ellemers was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), a corresponding member of the British Academy, and an international member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2010 she received the prestigous NWO-Spinoza Award, and is chair of the board of the NWO Gravitation program on sustainable cooperation (SCOOP).
During 2022-2023 Naomi was member of the the research committee for culture and behavior within the Dutch Public Broadcasting, Van Rijn Commission OGCO
From 2015-2023 she was member external supervisory board, PwC, the Netherlands (expert for culture and behaviour).
From 2020 -2022 she was chair of the KNAW Committee on Roots and Prevention of Inappropriate Behaviour in Academia 
She is one of the initiators of The Netherlands Inclusivity Monitor (NIM) and one of Athena's Angels 
In 2023 she was elected Chief Scientific Advisor for the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) of the EU

Focus on how people live and work together
Naomi Ellemers researches the way people live together and work together in groups. She especially looks at how people's behaviour is influenced by others around them - whether they are present or not. She does experiments on brain activity and physical stress, but also looks at how people behave at work. Organisational behaviour

Specialization: diversity & inclusion and integrity & ethical behaviour
The two topics she specializes in are diversity and inclusion, and integrity and ethical behaviour.
From this perspective, she studies topics such as diversity and innovation in teams and organisations, career development of women and ethnic minorities, motivation and commitment in work teams, and ethical standards and moral behaviour in (professional) groups.
She also applies her scientific knowledge to applied issues, organisational advice, and professional development, including supervision of organisational culture and ethical climate, implicit prejudices in recruitment and selection, and corporate social responsibility. She is active as a core researcher in the NWO Gravity Programme Sustainable Cooperation (SCOOP).


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